Sentiment Analysis for

Doxa automatically performs sentiment analysis on hundreds of Tweets based on your query.

What is Sentiment Analysis?

Sentiment analysis lets you get a feel for how people think of your business / stock / etc. In other words: you can gain insight into how well liked or disliked something is. Doxa performs automated sentiment analysis on hundreds of Tweets for an accurate representation of the overall sentiment towards your business.

Sentiment analysis

How do I interpret the results?

Once you enter your term, Doxa will present you with a "sentiment score" from -100 to 100 (-100 being the worst possible sentiment and 100 being the best possible sentiment). This score reflects average sentiment of your business. Doxa automatically weighs Tweets by their favorites count, so a Tweet with 100 likes is worth 100 times as much as a tweet with 1 like. This allows you to get an average sentiment score that accurately reflects the overall sentiment towards your business.

Doxa's dashboard

How does it work?

Doxa uses a sentiment analysis tool called Valence Aware Dictionary and sEntiment Reasoner (VADER). This tool utilizes lexicon-based sentiment analysis to process language and determine what is positive, negative, or neutral.

Sentiment analysis